Let the Good Times Roll!

Hi! We are so excited about our big day in June and are looking forward to spending it with you. Thanks for checking out the website.

If you have any questions or concerns, just leave a comment on any of the blog posts.

Lindzilla and Trav-dawg

Directions to Ceremony

The Law Residence

930 E 7th Ave
Denver, CO 80218

from south of Denver:
I-25 North to Lincoln/Broadway Exit
North on Lincoln to E 7th Avenue
Right on E 7th Avenue

from north of Denver:
I-25 South to 6th Avenue East, exit 209A
East on 6th Avenue to Emerson Street
Left on Emerson Street to 7th Avenue
Right on E 7th Avenue

from Downtown Denver:
South on Broadway to 6th Avenue
East on 6th Avenue to Emerson Street
Left on Emerson Street to 7th Avenue
Right on E 7th Avenue

930 E 7th Avenue is on the corner of 7th and Ogden
Street parking available
Enter yard from Ogden Street

Thursday, April 17, 2008

'boy' dishes

The good news is the KU won...the bad news is that I was so far behind Trav on the brackets that it didn't even matter.

More good news: Trav's taste in dishes isn't the WORST...


banish the belly said...

Dear Lindsay,

And Travis, although we've never met,

I'm not actually commenting on your blog, but curious about your invite, which I received today. Excellent choice, btw, good paper quality. Anyway, you mention some sort of Friday night pre-party, I suppose in lieu of the bachelor and -ette parties...are you SURE you don't want to go out wearing a veil covered with condoms? Travis, I think you especially might enjoy that. So, can y'all write some cute little post about what this party may be. Cuz I say we party--Lindsay my love, I fully dedicate June 13-15 to party for you.
Cory Chambers

Anonymous said...

I have a minor request. Could you please move the ceremony time up to say 2 p.m. and then resend out invitations with the corrected time?? Because my cousin's getting married in Boulder at 6 p.m. that same EXACT day and as tempted as I might secretly be to sneak over to yours instead, I'm going to have to be at the family gig. Rob and I are so bummed to miss your ceremony and dinner. But we're hoping to be there for either Friday or Sunday -- or hopefully both. Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Travis (and Lindzilla... can't wait to meet the owner of that moniker!)
Got the invite. I'm so honored and can't wait to see you. Does this count as the RSVP? I'll send my post card in tomorrow.
love ya.